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 About CARWeb
CARWeb is the online voice and information repository for the Canadian Association of Rocketry / Association canadienne de fuséonautique. You can find documents and information related to Rocketry in Canada on this site. CAR/ACF uses a web Forum to provide rapid communications between members of CAR/ACF. The CAR/ACF Forum contains both public and private areas. To access the private CAR/ACF Members area, you must a CAR/ACF Member in good standing. For details on accessing the CAR/ACF Forum, refer to these instructions.

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CARWeb Database Updated
Posted by Shane Weatherill on July 01, 2005

The CARWeb Database has been updated from CAR HQ. The following CARWeb pages are affected:
CAR Membership Expirations
HPR Certification Levels
Official CAR Certified RI List
Official CAR Certified RSO List

LDRS 24 Early Registration Deadline Approaching
Posted by Shane Weatherill on June 01, 2005

The deadline for LDRS 24 Early Registration is June 5th. Please visit the LDRS 24 for details.

CARWeb Pages Updated
Posted by Shane Weatherill on April 01, 2005

The following CARWeb pages have been recently updated:  CAR Documents Index  Regulations and Certifications  CAR Model Launchsite Dimensions Guidelines  Records Summary  MC<sup>2</sup> - Motor Certification Committee

CARWeb Documents Updated
Posted by Shane Weatherill on April 01, 2005

The following CARWeb documents have been recently updated:  CAR Membership Form .pdf  HPR Safety Code .pdf  HPR Certification Form .pdf  Level 4 Data Capture Form .pdf  Level 4 Data Capture Form .doc  Level 4 Data Capture Form .sxw  Rocket Inspector Program .pdf  Rocket Inspector Level 1 Form .pdf  Rocket Inspector Level 2 Form .pdf  Rocket Inspector Level 3 Form .pdf  Rocket Inspector Check List .pdf  MC<sup>2</sup> Certified Motor Failure .pdf  HPR Altitude Record Submission Form .pdf

CAR Activity Reports Now Available
Posted by Ian Stephens on October 01, 2004

Collected and edited by Ken Baldwin (S825), the CAR Activity Reports will provide a Web update as to the goings on with and at CAR. Information on outstanding issues, status and future directions will be updated as it is made available.

The current report has a synopsis of the CAR Meeting held at the annual Sullivan Lake 12 Launch in Alberta, Sep 18, 2004.

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Upcoming Launches
None Scheduled

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Photo by Ken Baldwin

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